About Me


As a middle school English teacher, a Literacy Interventionist, and curriculum writer, I am dedicated to helping everyone be their best selves. 

I've worked tirelessly with all types of students, motivating those who are struggling to encouraging and growing those who are soaring.  I'd love to share with your family some of my best work.  

Catch UP Now! was inspired by noticing the drastic changes I was seeing in my students returning to the classroom after many seasons of change.  Students lacked the confidence to know what they knew, and they also lacked to practice or tools to discover the world around them.  This practice transforms the students view, so all information becomes accessible, and they can become the best version of themselves every day!  


Are you ready to Catch UP Now!

Tic Tac Toe 

Giving students a choice is the number one motivation in the classroom.  Check out this Choice Board and see what your child would love to do!

Evaluate your child's vocabulary

Ask your child if they know the definition of the words on these free word lists.


Listed by grade level too!

Evaluate your child's comprehension skills

Downloads to read with your child and questions that challenge their thinking.


Listen to what they have to say!

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